Parenting is a rewarding, but also often, an extremely demanding job. Parents and caregivers today, are faced with the challenge of parenting in ways which may be completely different to how they themselves were parented. Not only have attitudes towards parenting changed, but so too have the laws. Parents and caregivers are bombarded with overwhelming messages about how to parent gently and positively. These messages can, at times, come with helpful tips on how to achieve positive parenting, yet this can be difficult to achieve if our instinct (driven from our own experiences) is different. Therefore, navigating these changes and messages can be confusing and often challenging for parents and caregivers.

Emma provides a professional parent coaching and consultation service for parents and caregivers of children (from birth to 18 years) who are looking for support and guidance during their parenting journey. Parent coaching is a safe space where challenges relating to behaviour and wellbeing can be discussed in a non-judgemental and honest way. The aim of parent coaching is to provide the parent/caregiver with the skills and tools to enhance their parenting and allow them to build strong and open relationships with the child.

The parent coaching journey invloves exploring and understanding the parent/caregivers own experiences of being parented and cared for, as well as their attitudes and beliefs about parenting. Taking this lens allows Emma to unpack with the parent/caregiver how their own experiences have informed how they parent today. In doing this, it also becomes possible to become aware of what is working within the relaionship, allowing these stregths to be built upon.

Emma has vast experience providing family support and as a parent herself has first hand experience which enhances her professional knowledge. Get in touch with Emma to discuss your needs or to make an appointment.